About Us
Chairman Message
It is a great pleasure to present FMC Dockyard, international shipbuilding and ship repairing company. FMC Dockyard is a subsidiary of FMC Group, the maritime cluster, concentrated on providing complex solutions in the industry. Almost 20 years experience in marine industry help us to carry leading positions in the field. Currently FMC Dockyard delivers vessels to fulfil different industries’ needs, including offshore works, harbor services, fishing industry, shipping duties, public transportation, dredging operations. Our business strategy is «Diversity for growth and innovation». The present capacities for new shipbuilding capacity is up to 140 m/ 10000 DWT, for repair, maintenance and conversion – up to 150 m/ 12000 DWT. Our key values are continuous development, safety, and environmental protection. We always emphasize on meeting customers’ demand and ensuring their satisfaction at all possible ways is our main objective.
We hope you will consider us as the best dockyard to build your vessels and also conduct repair/maintenance jobs.
Chairman of FMC Dockyard
Mohammad Yasin Chowdhury

Our Mission
Mission of FMC Dockyard is to serve shipbuilding, repair-maintenance and conversion industry with its experience, specialization and commitment. It is aiming towards to expand to more global strategic locations so that our clients find more options to choose which will enable us to cater their customized requirements.
Our Vision
The vision of FMC Dockyard with its global presence is to become global leader in building ships along with ship repair-maintenance and conversion services through efficiency and effectiveness by maintaining optimum quality of standards and customer responsiveness and being socially and environmentally responsible.